We knew Homeland star Moneca Baccarin was due for a major role announcement in Deadpool soon, and we’re glad to announce that not only is it finally chimichanga time for for the X-Men franchise spinoff Deadpool. But production begins in Vancouver on the feature film starring Ryan Reynolds as the “merc with a mouth.”
Moneca spilled the beans on Twitter regarding her role as “Vanessa,” who is almost certainly the comics’ Vanessa Geraldine Carlysle, also known as the shape-shifting mutant Copycat. Reynolds also posted an image of his own chair and you can also check it out below. Added to this news was another casting announcement we were not expecting. Comedian T.J. Miller has confirmed on Twitter that he will be playing the role of Weasel.
Created by Fabian Nicieza and Joe Madureira, Copycat made her comic book debut in the same issue as Deadpool although fans didn’t know it at the time. The shapeshifting former love of Deadpool was secretly infiltrating X-Force disguised as Domino with a mission to kill the mutant team’s leader, Cable. It wasn’t until several years later, during Marvel’s Flashback Month, that Copycat’s full origin story was revealed in the pages of Deadpool #-1.

Copycat and Weasel Roles Cast in Deadpool Movie
Set to appear alongside Miller are Ryan Reynolds in the title role along with Ed Skrein, Gina Carano, and Morena Baccarin. The film will also feature the mutant Colossus, though Daniel Cudmore has confirmed he will not appear as the character.
Tim Miller is set to direct the movie from a script by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Deadpool is currently scheduled for a release on February 12, 2016.