We have the privilege of introducing the talent behind CanadaCosplay.com, Miss Kay Pike! She is a recognized international fashion designer and cosplay model with more than a couple of tricks up her sleeve. The stunning model is a very successful entertainer and entrepreneur, and knowing that she is the most requested Event Vendor in Canada, we’re sure that we’ll get to see more of her in the near future. She started her cosplay career by wearing her designs around town. After repeated attempts by strangers to buy her cosplay hoodies off her back she was finally convinced to start producing for others. Her first event as a Cosplay Entrepreneur was in Calgary in 2009. 5 years, 1 arcade room, nearly 100 conventions, and over 10,000 cosplay pieces later, she has been handpicked by Fan Expo to appear as their Cosplay Ambassador.
In an interview with The Province she was asked how she became the reigning queen of Cosplay, she said:
“For me cosplay is more about Play. I don’t see myself as your stereotypical “queen of” because instead of many many cosplays what’s influenced my popularity has been the social interactions with people; I’m always far more interested in other people’s builds. I make my costumes specifically to look just as good on floor as in print because my goal is to get photos with other people and their amazing efforts.”
Her Links:
Check out some her best cosplay:
I wany that fox jacket. Wherr can i find one