“The Walking Dead” executive producer Gale Anne Hurd recently sat down with E! News to spill the beans about the midseason finale for season 5. Internet rumors have lit up blogs about the expectations of another beloved character biting the dust.
Here is what she had to say:
“…make sure that you have a seatbelt on your couch and a lot of tissues handy,” “I would say it is heartbreaking. It is, I think, completely unexpected and a fantastic way to end the midseason,”
Hurd also shared some details about the Midseason Finale:
“I think the goal is to continue the theme of the first season, really, which is an in-depth examination of each character in our band of survivors and where they find themselves emotionally given the acts they’ve had to commit to survive,”
We can also expect to see Michonne and some other characters receive more screen time in the second half of the season. The episode titled “Coda” is expected to be “Kickass, but totally heartbreaking.”