So the guys from HISHE (how it should have ended) are doing trailers now? Nevertheless it’s still great to see these hilarious videos, and this time round we get to see how the epic trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron should have ended.
When Ultron creepily quoted the words “there are no strings on me” from the Pinocchio song, I got chills down my spine. Pinocchio was already creepy enough without the help of James Spader’s menacing voiceover work. The gang over at How It Should Have Ended have released an animated comedy sketch that reimagines the ending of the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer, and in it, Ultron quotes several other classic Disney songs in a way that will ruin your childhood memories. The Avengers’ reaction to Ultron doing this is hilariously appropriate. Of course it wouldn’t be a proper HISHE video without the addition of Batman and Superman.