Apple is apparently dealing with another hair-raising issue in the form of a new complaint from their iPhone 6 customers. It is bad enough that some users are complaining that the iPhone 6 Plus is bending in their pockets due to general use, and now, some users are reportedly complaining on Twitter that their hair is getting caught in the seam between the glass screen and aluminum back of the iPhone 6.
The friendly folks over at shared the following news about #HairGate:
“But now Apple seems to have gotten itself into another hairy situation. Apparently, if you use the iPhone 6 to make a phone call, you risk the phone ripping your hair out. Yes folks, the iPhone 6 devices are now fighting back. We all knew it would come to this one day.”
“The anonymous author of a community post on the blog 9To5Mac describes getting his or her hair stuck between the glass and the aluminum of the phone after pulling the iPhone 6 away after making a call. As with any little bit of controversy, some iPhone 6 owners took to Twitter to voice their frustration with this irksome feature.”
One would think that only people with long hair would be affected, but people with short hair, beards or any kind of hair on their face in fact have complained about “getting it caught” in their iPhone 6 handsets. In the meantime over at Samsung, why is no one complaining about hair getting caught on the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (#GapGate) which clearly has a gap between the screen and the case?
It seems that both Samsung and Apple are struggling with some design limitations on their latest phablet offerings.
Check out some of the tweets:
Kavan @KavKilledKenny – My hair keeps getting caught in the microscopic seam between glass and aluminium on my iPhone 6
Graham Cracker @grmcrkrs – @9to5Community My iPhone 6+ was pulling my hair too; I returned it, it was underwhelming:(
Paul Peavler @CardMeHD – The seam on my iPhone 6 where the aluminum meets the glass is definitely catching my hair and pulling it out. #seamgate
Chad Coleman @dominocollege – Anyone else getting beard hairs pulled by the iPhone 6/Plus? It catches my scruff in the seam and yanks it during calls. #hurts #beardgate
Paul Peavler @CardMeHD – @EmilyDreyfuss No, its my head hair. I have long hair so it happens when there’s a seam on the front of a phone like the iPhone or HTC One.