Jimmy Morgan Jr. is a name all would-be thieves should remember! The avid “Game Of Thrones” super fan is in the business of collecting all sorts of medieval weapons, and it so happens that he also practices a medieval fighting method called SCA armored combat. 25-year-old Thomas McGowan was the unfortunate intruder introduced to the business end of a medieval spear when he broke into Morgan’s house to evade the cops. Morgan told reporters from KDFX TV and KFYO radio that he stopped McGowan when he entered his home through a window. The Texan homeowner reached for his spear and protected himself from the intruder. He is a huge fan of HBO’s television drama “Game Of Throne” which features some serious bloody sword fighting. Sporting a black T-shirt featuring the Night’s Watch, Morgan seems fit for duty to stand in as one of the Sworn Brothers on The Wall.
Speaking to KDFX he said:
“He started retreating and I started advancing and I was stalking him here, you never cross your legs, and I cornered him right here.”
“The door was locked and shut. He was panicked at this point. He said, ‘I can’t get out, I can’t get out’.”
“As he was running, he smeared blood from here to high heaven and he splattered here and he splattered there and splattered all over there. It was like a deer,”
“It’s called the SCA. It’s a medieval fighting and we do use spears and swords and things of that nature. I don’t have a firearm so I have a short spear, very quick, very agile and very deadly,”
“I am a Christian man and I don’t want to take life, however I want to make sure that he understands that his life was mine to take. I let him have it.”
Source: dailymail.co.uk