Martin Lawrence spilled the beans about the upcoming “Bad Boys 3” movie while sitting down with Conan O’Brien on Wednesday night, August 13. The long gestating project has been hotly anticipated with frustrated fans waiting for some material or news indicating that the project is actually moving forward. We finally have some news that will please the masses awaiting some good news. When the host of the “CONAN” show asked if “Bad Boys 3” would happen, Lawrence had the following to say:
“I believe so. Yes,”
“I just talked to Jerry Bruckheimer yesterday and he said its real, they’re working on the script, they’re getting close and it all looks good.”
Bruckheimer is very excited to go ahead with the project despite the challenge of booking time in Smith’s busy schedule. Persuading Sony to get fully on board seems to be another big obstacle to continue with the project.
Speaking to Collider, the producer said:
“It’s so funny because we’ll get Sony real excited to make the movie, and then Will [Smith] is off doing two movies,” “And then, Will will come back and be real excited about it, and Sony will say, ‘Well, maybe it’s not the time for this.'”
News of a possible third installment started circulating as early as 2010 when reported Bruckheimer saying that “It’s a wish and a hope and a dream. We’ve been working on a screenplay, which is excellent. It’s an idea Will [Smith] gave us, so hopefully, it will come to fruition, we would love it to.”
Bad Boys 2 was a huge success grossing over $273,3M worldwide, almost twice the gross of the original film. This should be reason enough for the studio to consider an additional installment. We don’t need any educated reasons to see Will and Martin on screen again….let’s kick it in to gear Sony, we’ve been waited long enough!