It seems that Zac Efron fans will finally have the opportunity to hang out with the Hollywood heartthrob with the help of Make-a-Wish foundation. The “Neighbors” star is making himself available for a date, which also includes the chance to win his very first car that seems to have some interesting back stories.
He says:
“This is the car I learned everything in,”
“How to drive in, got my first driver’s license in, got in my first car accident in, which was not my fault for the record.”
On Monday, August 11, the 26-year-old actor took to Instagram to announce the exciting news:
“How would you like to hang out with me in LA? I’ll give you and a friend flights from anywhere in the world, hotel accommodations, and, if you want it, my first car ever, too! Join me in supporting Make-A-Wish America and Make-A-Wish International and enter to win at Prizeo! #ZacsFirstCar,”
Efron is seen in the uploaded pic holding a sign which reads, “Want my first car? It’s yours.”
He also cross promoted his date and car combo on YouYube, Efron explains that a $10 donation will secure and entry in the competition:
“I really want to do something special for the Make-a-Wish foundation, so I teamed up with to give you a shot to win a few special prizes,”