“Star Trek 3” director Roberto Orci revealed some saucy details about the upcoming third installment. The helmer said on the “Humans from Earth” podcast that the next installment would take place “deep in space,” with the USS Enterprise travelling to a new world.
He said:
“In [Into Darkness] they set out finally where the original series started,”
“The first two films – especially the 2009 [Star Trek] – was an origin story. It was about them coming together. So they weren’t the characters they were in the original series. They were growing into them and that continues on in the second movie. So in this movie they are closer than they are to the original series characters that you have ever seen. They have set off on their five-year mission. So their adventure is going to be in deep space.”
Most Trekkies will be pleased with Orci’s promise to take the USS Enterprise to worlds no man has gone before, but how much of the space travelling plot will be explored? It seems that Orci’s attempt to redeem himself since the chat room mishaps involving overtly critical comments by fans, may have led him to bite off more than he can chew…or maybe not. Trekkie geeks over at the world’s largest “Star Trek” convention voted “Into Darkness” the worst film in the franchise. Orci had some “creative” responses to some harsh feedback from fans over at TrekMovie.com that screwed up his Trekkie fan cred. He deleted his Twitter account due to some very controversial comments and he also made statements occasionally that “many interpreted as supportive of the 9/11 Truther movement.” —- Check out the full article Here!
All that aside, “Into Darkness” was a huge success financially, raking in over $467,4 worldwide. Orci’s promises of “deep space” travels might not see the light of day if it all depended on the almighty buck. Trekkie fans may not agree with the action stacked, no exploration direction the first two flicks have taken, but it sure pays the bills. Courtesy of Boxofficemojo.com, nearly half of the global take from the second installment was contributed domestically, will we see the same turnout for the third installment?
Orci co-wrote some very big titles during the last couple of years alongside Alex Kurtzman. He was involved in “Transformers”, “Star Treks”, “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”, “Fringe” and “Edge of Tomorrow”, but this time round he will try his hand for the first time as helmer on the “Star Trek 3” project. He will write the script for the third installment with Patrick McKay and John D. Payne.
“Star Trek 3” is set to be released somewhere in 2016.