Fancy another “Dredd” flick starring Karl Urban? If so, feel free to head on over to Kickstarter and create a campaign to speed up the process to see Urban back in action! Urban has been teasing fans with the possibility of a sequel coming down the line, but producer Adi Shankar is not so optimistic. Urban revealed there might be a second film in the pipeline during a visit to the Motor City Comic Con:
“Interestingly enough, I did have breakfast with Alex Garland this morning,” “It’s not off the agenda. Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it”
“It’s entirely possible, and if people want to see another installment then they should be vocal about that, because it can happen. The power of fandom can resurrect projects. In fact, that’s what happened with Star Trek. They weren’t going to do a third season until fans did a letter writing campaign and they continued that series.”
The star of the first installment will even fund the sequel if he had the finances but urged fans to start a Kickstarter campaign. Simply scraping together the funds is not the only challenge to kick off the production, he explained additional stumbling blocks of making it happen:
“The movie, it wasn’t a studio movie, it was an independent movie. That changes the dynamic immensely, because every country has a different distributor who bought the movie. Every one of those distributors has to sign off.”
“Dredd” performed poorly at the box office despite excellent reviews which poses another huge challenge to see a sequel made. Made on a budget of $50 million, the film grossed just $35.6 million worldwide. The film did however claim the number one spot on the DVD sell-through and Blu-ray charts with 650,000 units sold, making it the best-selling new release title of 2012.
We would love to see a “Dredd” sequel, any geeks out there that share the sentiment?