Rumours have been flying around the entire week and we finally have confirmation that the third and last Hobbit movie will change its title from “There and back again” to “The Battle of the the five armies”. The news came via Director Peter Jacksons Facebook page:
Inside Information…
Our journey to make The Hobbit Trilogy has been in some ways like Bilbo’s own, with hidden paths revealing their secrets to us as we’ve gone along. “There and Back Again” felt like the right name for the second of a two film telling of the quest to reclaim Erebor, when Bilbo’s arrival there, and departure, were both contained within the second film. But with three movies, it suddenly felt misplaced—after all, Bilbo has already arrived “there” in the “Desolation of Smaug”.
When we did the premiere trip late last year, I had a quiet conversation with the studio about the idea of revisiting the title. We decided to keep an open mind until a cut of the film was ready to look at. We reached that point last week, and after viewing the movie, we all agreed there is now one title that feels completely appropriate.
And so: “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” it is.
As Professor Tolkien intended, “There and Back Again” encompasses Bilbo’s entire adventure, so don’t be surprised if you see it used on a future box-set of all three movies.
Before then however, we have a film to finish, and much to share with you. It’s been a nice quiet time for us—Jabez and I happily editing away in a dark cave in Wellington—but those halcyon days are quickly coming to an end. It will soon be time to step into the light. Expect to see and hear much about The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies in the coming months.
And there’s also The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Extended Cut, which we’re in the process of finishing, with over 25 mins of new scenes, all scored with original music composed by Howard Shore.
It’ll be a fun year!
What the change in name means for the Third movie
The battle of the five armies is the infamous battle that took place after the story of the dwarves and the lonely mountain, and without spoiling it for the readers the name change means we may be in for a lot more action in the third and final Hobbit movie. You can read all about the battle on the Lord of the Rings Wiki here [SPOILERS].
What this can mean for the movie, is that the quest to reclaim the lonely mountain may run over into the actual battle. This will be truly epic. To give you an idea, this battle includes 5 armies (hence the name) between the Goblins and the Wargs against Men of Dale, Elves, Dwarves, Eagles and a Shape-shifter on and near the Lonely Mountain (Erebor).
Expect Peter Jackson to play around with this idea, and he may just throw in every creature and beast we’ve come to know in Middle Earth all into one massive battle! We’re talking Oliphants, Bears, Egles, Spiders, Orcs, Bats, Trolls, Nazgul and more!
Also See:
Third Hobbit Movie Now Titled – The Battle of the Five Armies