“The Avengers : Age of Ultron” is set to shoot parts of the superhero movie in Johannesburg!
The CEO of the Gauteng Film Commission expressed his enthusiasm to take part in the filming process:
“We’re thrilled that Marvel Studios is bringing a major motion picture project to Johannesburg, and we’re committed to showing them the very best our region has to offer”.
Johannesburg Mayor, Parks Tau, also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to host Marvel Studios and to provide the required resources to assist with the production of the film, he said:
“We are excited to host Marvel; strengthens Johannesburg’s position as a worldwide film production centre with first class facilities and production support. It also has a very positive impact for the region and is a great opportunity for the city to be showcased to a worldwide audience”.
The GFC’s Desmond Mthembu says this presents a great opportunity to showcase Gauteng.
“The great thing about this movie is that they are shooting Johannesburg as Johannesburg. Often you will find filmmakers will shoot in Johannesburg and portray the location as Los Angeles. This time around the first 10 minutes of the film will be of Johannesburg.”
Joburgers hoping to catch a glimpse of the all-star cast will be disappointed to learn that no members of the “Avengers 2” will be on location. Action photography sequences will be shot throughout the city over the next two weeks, starting February 11.
Sources: channel24.co.za, news24.com, ewn.co.za
Recent “Avengers 2” updates:
- Paul Bettany has officially joined the “Avengers: Age of Ultron” cast ensemble as The Vision.
- There is a rumor that Marvel has already set plans in motion for a title new ‘Avengers’ project.
- We might be in for a surprise teaser during the post credits of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”.
- Apparatly we can expect Miss Marvel to appear in the hotly anticipated “Avengers: Age of Ultron”.