We’ve not made our minds up on which console is better than the other. Whether it’s PS4 or XBox one, we really don’t care. But looking at this limited edition Titanfall XBox One controller we’re tempted to buy the console just so we can get our hands on it and try it out!
Ahead of the game’s launch in March, Microsoft has announced the (totally inevitable) limited edition Titanfall controller for Xbox One.
“In a collaborative effort with the Xbox design team and the Respawn art department our goal was to create a controller that feels as if it is a piece of military spec hardware transported from the universe of Titanfall and into players hands,” said Respawn lead artist Joel Emslie.

Packaged with the new Titalfall is the limited Edition Titanfall XBox One Controller
The controller costs $64.99 and is currently available for pre-order through the Microsoft Store. Titanfall is one of our Top 10 Most Anticipated Next-Gen Games of 2014.
What is your favourite gaming controller?