“Veronica Mars” fans will remember the Kickstarter campaign launched in March this year to bring the wildly popular TV show to the big screen. The neo-noir mystery drama series has finally made its way to the silver screen with a confirmed release date set for March 14, 2014. The first clip for the Kristen Bell starrer has been launched, featuring the nosy private investigator attending a reunion party and running into her high school nemesis.Veronica Mars is back after 10 years assisting her former love interest Logan who has been accused of killing his pop star girlfriend.
The movie has overachieved on the crowd funding side, the project was initially slated for a video-on-demand release but Warner Bros. now plans to give it a wider release.
Check out their achievements:
- Fastest project to reach $1 million
- Fastest project to reach $2 million
- All-time highest-funded project in FILM category
- Third highest-funded project in Kickstarter history
- Most project backers of any project in Kickstarter history
Check out the first clip