There are a couple of unanswered questions that will probably surface in the epic season finale of ‘Sons of Anarchy’ Season 6. We are not sure what Jax will do to the man who betrayed him and what will happen to his relationship with Nero after the “business” with Darvany! The preview doesn’t give away much but there is enough to make you think about things if you are good at connecting dots if you know what I mean.
The official synopsis states that the outcome of Jax’s choices will place his family and the MC in jeopardy. The problem with most previews and fellow bloggers is the temptation to give away too much. Call it a working hazard which leaves you begging for Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones to pop by and erase your memory, when it so happens that while searching for something you read the wrong bits that ruin the entire season. The preview may not give away much but there is more to the final episode. I will not spoil this I promise. Enough about my problems…….”A Mother’s Work” will air Tuesday, December 10 on FX.
Check out the Season 6 Finale Preview