WhatsApp released its latest application update which boasts a complete new look and additional functionalities. The design update is in response to the new iOS 7 design for Apple and includes the Apple iOS 7 aesthetic and design user interfaces.
Apart from the design changes, the App now has the following new features:
- Broadcast lists: communicate with your classmates, work colleagues or just friends by messaging many people at once.
- Improved share location: 3D map view, hide places, search places
- Large thumbs: see more
- New notification alerts and sounds: WhatsApp Settings > Notifications > New Message.
- Application will now use your device text size as configured in iOS Settings > General > Text Size
- New improved User Interface for managing your blocked contacts: WhatsApp Settings > Chat Settings > Blocked
- Crop image before sending
WhatsApp remains one of the most popular Apps ever. The social chat-App has become so ingrained into our daily usage that we use it without even realizing it. We named WhatsApp as one of our Best Apps of 2013.
Grab the latest version below: