Even after all the reviews were nothing spectacular for Samsung’s Galaxy Gear Smartwatch, they claimed to have sold over 800 000 smartwatches in two months. This is as surprising to Samsung as it is to the rest of the world, who said that sales have exceeded its own expectations.
This makes the Galaxy Gear the official most popular Smartwatch in the world. The figure was boosted by regional promotions offering large discounts and subsidies for users buying the Gear alongside a Samsung smartphone, as well as it’s massive marketing budget. There’s no firm figure on how much money Samsung has spent promoting the Gear, but it’s clear given the pure density of advertisements that it’s a considerable figure. High-profile campaigns involving collaborations with fashion houses and celebrities don’t come cheap. The company recently updated its watch to improve notification support which was a major issue for most of the users.
There has been some disputes regarding the figures, and whether or not it is 800 000 units sold, or 800 000 units shipped to distributors. Remember how Samsung claimed they sold 9 Million Galaxy S3’s in one day when it in fact was the shipping figure?
We still keep our opinion of waiting until you get your first smartwatch. In a very young industry its better to wait until all the kinks in all the hardware and software are ironed out.
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