The new take on the iconic monster franchise “Godzilla”, looks much darker and captivating than Roland Emmerich’s 1998 installment. The film was negatively reviewed by fans and critics, winning Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Supporting Actress for Pitillo and Worst Re-Make or Sequel. The film was also nominated for Worst Picture, Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay. The iguana design of the 1998 creature coupled with Emmerich’s baby Godzillas didn’t really help to win over the already disappointed fan base expecting a big budget blockbuster with all the bells and whistles. The idea of another remake/reboot wasn’t exactly at the top of our priority list, especially after the disastrous Emmerich run in 1998. Come to think if it, that should be the main reason to remake this film, provided you have the right people with the vision and passion to pay homage to our favorite city destroyer.
Director of the new Godzilla, Gareth Edwards, seems to have a firm grip on what is expected of him considering the disappointing Emmerich version which left a lot to be desired. He has released many statements and sat through countless interviews to reassure everyone that we can expect something spectacular.
Edwards spoke with Shock Till You Drop back in 2011 and gave some insight regarding his vision for the film moving forward:
“I’m a big fan,” “I guess I will say I’m highly aware – and everyone involved is incredibly aware – of everyone’s opinions on what this film has to do and what it has to be. And no one will do anything but the right thing. Without addressing anything specific, everyone knows how important is to get it right.”
Edwards clarified his approach during an interview with Total Film saying:
“I’ve always been interested in Godzilla and the ideas around him. I really wanted to see another Godzilla film and jumped at the opportunity. My main idea was to imagine ‘If this really happened, what would it be like?’ I want to take a grounded, realistic approach to a Godzilla film.”
He admits he was not immediately attracted to the franchise for specific reasons, saying:
“My earliest memories was channel 4, they showed them every Friday night. As a kid I wasn’t quite sure about the dubbing, the English-dubbed versions. They threw me for a bit. I love science fiction and, well I call them B movies but they’re not, but I love ’60s and ’70s sci-fi. But these would come on and be dubbed and it would take my kid brain to adjust to the dubbing. It took me some time to get through that.”
While at the San DiegoComic-Con 2013, according to, Edwards will place focus from an “emotional point of view“:
“I think the trick is not to think of the special effects or anything – and just think that this is really happening and there are giant monsters. Ask, ‘What would be the best story to tell that always involves humans?’ I don’t separate the two in my mind. You just picture the movie. What was so refreshing was that we would shoot scenes that sometimes had the creature in it and sometimes didn’t, but we would desperately try to make it work from an emotional point of view. Then, in the evenings, I would go to review things with the effects companies who are starting to put the visual effects in, and you’re like, ‘I completely forgot there’s a whole other layer to this!’ We have been painstakingly worrying about the characters and their journey and on top of that is this spectacle embedded in the whole film – and it makes you feel really good.”
Wow, finally a director that will get it right! Godzilla will be a smash hit with general moviegoers, critics and die-hard fans by die look of things. Hopefully Edwards can deliver on his vision and bring to life one of the most iconic monsters in movie history. The film is set to be released on May 16, 2014.
The first sneak peaks for Godzilla has leaked online: