Can the casting of DC superheroes for Arrow season 2 get any better? The list keeps on getting longer and longer, and we have to start hoping that the writers don’t stuff this up big time. We have to agree that they have added some seriously cool DC Superheroes to the list. Let’s hope that each one gets decent screen time, and is not protrayed as a lame one episode shallow villain that Ollie simply takes out with an arrow.
Expect to see thew following DC superheroes and villains in Arrow season 2: Cynthia-Addai Robinson as Amanda Walller, Caity Lotz as Black Canary,Michael Jai White as Bronze Tiger, Kevin Alejandro as Sebastian Blood, Bex Taylor-Klaus as Sin, and will feature the series debut of Barry Allen aka The Flash (Grant Gustin) later in the season. Added as well is Summer Glau as Isabel Rochev.
Here’s a complete breakdown of all the villains and heroes you can expect to see in Arrow Season 2.
The latest addition to the cast is Dylan Neal as Professor Ivo. The ‘Percy Jackson‘ and ‘Dawson’s Creek’ star Dylan Neal will appear in Oliver’s island flashbacks rather than Starling City. As this is set to be a four episode arc though, it’s certainly likely that we’ll see him return to make Ollie’s life difficult further down the line as the site mentions that the door is open for recurring appearances. They describe Arrow’s take on the villain as, ” a brutal but ruthless scientist who will stop at nothing to unearth a breakthrough that dates back to the latter days of World War II.” Ivo is also the creator of the android ‘Amazo‘.
The question remains as to which version of Prof. Ivo the Arrow writers will choose to include. Prof. Ivo is most commonly known to be immortal. He can never die because he is one of the 13 immortals who walk the Earth. Unless someone takes his place, he will never die…which he wants very badly. His exceptional abilities includes Robotic Engineering. Professor Ivo is a master inventor and is responsible for making tremendous strides in the field of robotics. His expertise has yielded creations such as Amazo, Kid Amazo and the Tomorrow Woman.
His weaknesses include: Diabetes, Arthritis, Ebola, Tuberculosis, Asthma, Hepatitis, HIV, Alzheimer’s, Cardiac Failure and Cancer. As a result of his illnesses, he experiences tremendous amounts of pain on a daily basis. Unless he can find someone to take his place among the 13 immortals, he is doomed to live an eternal life even without the serum.

Dylan Neal cast as evil Professor Ivo in Arrow Season 2
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