The full-length, uncut trailer for “Thor: The Dark World” was released during the broadcast premiere of “Iron Man 2” on ABC Tuesday, September 17. The extended version includes additional scenes which features a quick look at Idris Elba’s Heimdall and a longer look at a fight scene at the end. Chris Hemsworth returns to reprise his role as the God of Thunder with Tom Hiddleston reprising his role as Loki. A-list Cast members returning includes Natalie Portman, Kat Dennings, Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgard and Jaimie Alexander.
The “Thor” sequel will see our hammer wielding hero fight an ancient race led by the villainous Malekith who returns with and evil plot to destroy the universe. Forced to make sacrifices for the greater good, he reunites with Jane Foster and faces his biggest challenge yet that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand. Alan Taylor is at the helm of the project with Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Feige as producers. The sequel it is set to open in theaters on November 8.