58-year-old comedian Kelsey Grammer, better known for playing psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane on “Cheers” and “Frasier” has just joined the cast of “The Expendables 3” according to a recent report by Collider.com. He is earmarked to portray ex-convict Bonaparte who assists the group on their mission.

Kelsey Grammer earmarked to portray ex-convict Bonaparte

Kelsey Grammer earmarked to portray ex-convict Bonaparte

Nicolas Cage was initially attached to the role, however Grammer has been selected as the man for the job. The “Expendables 3” will most likely produce similar action packed scenes and awesome one-liners, however we can’t deny the fact that with the star-studded line-up confirmed so far we should be in for a very entertaining popcorn flick.


Arnold Schwarzenegger tweeted his first pic of him and Harrison Ford on set

Lets have a quick recap of who we can expect in the third installment:

  • Sylvester Stallone
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Jason Statham
  • Wesley Snipes
  • Harrison Ford
  • Mel Gibson
  • Jet Li
  • Dolph Lundgren
  • Antonio Banderas
  • Kelsey Grammer

“The Expendables 3” is set to be released on August 15, 2014.